Friday, December 5, 2008



Gayla was out the other day checking the rain gauge and calculating the amount of rain that we have had over the last days, weeks, and months. We had an incredible amount of rain this year, breaking records that were set many years ago! In fact one day I looked out in the back fields and noticed that all the horses, cows, and other animals were walking around "Two By Two"!!!
We are just starting to see the end of the rainy season and are looking forward to the next number of months where we will have nothing but sunny days!!

This is the fire pit area in our back yard.

The sun is starting to break through!!!

We are excited about the coming year, we already have a number of groups coming down to visit and work at the Ranch! Our first group will arrive at the beginning of January. At the same time Gayla's sister Debbie and her Husband Don will be staying with us and helping out with the team. Afterwards they will stay around for a few weeks, visiting and helping out around the Ranch. Don hopes to attend a Missionaries Conference in Managua, Nicaragua, towards the end of the month.

I (Doug) will be going back to Vancouver from the 12th to the 20th of January and be spending time with family there, and taking care of some business items.

We have a group of engineers, architects, and builders, coming to the Ranch in February to set out the plans for the property, buildings, and future development projects. This is a big step for us, and will help set the foundation for the overall vision and mission of the Ranch. We hope to begin with the building sometime in the new year!

Many of you who have been here have asked about the animals and how they are doing, so here is the latest scoop!!!

We have the three guard dogs Gera, Tora, and Rocky, who are all doing well and have passed obedience training with flying colors!!!

Gera is on the left, Tora in the middle and Rocky on the right.

What do you think is this my best side?

This is Tora, she is getting bigger by the day!

Joey and Blackie our two feline friends still scout out the yard and surrounding area, keeping critters away, and catching the occasional lizard for lunch!

As far as the horses, we now have; Pals Princess,Ole Buddy Ole Pal, The Dutches, Miss Smokey, Zach's Horse(Zachster), Alexander's Horse (Allie), Suzie Q, Miss Muffet, Mr. Wilson, and Canela. The Dutches and Miss Muffet are expecting and have about another three months until their time!

Many of the people who come here to the Ranch love to ride the horses, they can spend the morning or afternoon wandering around the Ranch, seeing the wildlife,and enjoying Gods creation!
Come on down and we will take you out too!!

This is "Pokey", he is one of the many sloths we have here on the Ranch property.

Bob says to come down and you will have a howling good time!

Gayla out in the back field, on her horse "Ole Buddy Ole Pal" . He goes by Pal!

This is Doug with his favorite horse, Pals Princess.

We still have Harry and Bistec the two original Brahmas, Bettsie the big brown cow had her calf about a month ago, his name is Rambo, he will grow up to be a big bull as you might have guessed. We also added another eight Brahmas to the herd in this last month. They will go to market with Bistec and Harry in the next year!

This is Bettsie and Rambo

These are the new kids on the block!

Jose brought his oxen over to help up transport fence posts into the upper fields. You can not get there with a four by four or quad, but these fellows make it look like easy work!! We are in the process of repairing all of the fences on the Ranch, it is a big job!!

Most recently we had Lou Ritchie and Phil Hogan, the two directors of the Ranch, come down and spend a few days with us. We had a great time together and accomplished a lot in regards to planning for the future and setting out this years goals. We hope to see them back in February when we have our team of engineers, architects, and builders here.
Thanks for looking in on us!!!
Have a very Blessed Christmas, and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!!!
Doug n Gayla!